While praying along Palm Bay Rd. a man stopped to give us water even though we had a cooler! He was not familiar with #wepraybrevard but saw our signs, thanked us for praying and stopped to buy/bring us water!
So sweet! Shortly after a woman who was visiting from Osceola County saw us and stopped when we had maybe 10 min or so left. We quickly handed the woman a prayer guide, explained a bit and invited her to join us. As she did she also shared that she needed prayer too. One of our prayer warriors invited her to sit next to her, and she began praying for her right then! Thankful God brought together this prayer warrior to our group that morning as I believe He did so she could pray for that one lady!!
That was awesome! This morning I did the hour of prayer in my house because I was concerned over the heat and my health. This has been a tough week for me and doing an hour of prayer and just knowing that a whole lot of people were praying at the same time just kind of took my eyes off of me and lifted my eyes up on Christ!
Melbourne – 192
Members from five different churches attended at the Melbourne Mall.
We also had a lady walking to the bus stop join us in prayer too!
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